Website Evolution

by Cornelius Weidmann, 19:34 PM - Tuesday 27/05/2014

Every website starts on a piece of paper. The initial conceptualisation is sometimes completely different than the end result. In our case we started from a template and then tried our best at designing something that we can launch with. Please remember, we’re not designers - we write code.

Take a look at the journey our website has taken. A trip down memory lane…

The first iteration, a template:

kyco website 0.1.0
kyco website 0.1.0

Let’s have at it:

kyco website 0.2.0
kyco website 0.2.0

Something we could work with:

kyco website 0.3.0
kyco website 0.3.0

More sidebar interaction!

kyco website 0.4.0
kyco website 0.4.0

Our default colours?

kyco website 0.9.4
kyco website 0.9.4

Maybe like this?

kyco website 0.9.5
kyco website 0.9.5

Up to this point none of the designs ever saw the daylight. The next design we officially launched with in August 2012:

kyco website 1.0.0
kyco website 1.0.0

An attempt to completely redesign the site and go a different direction:

kyco website 1.0.1
kyco website 1.0.1

Website revamp 2013:

kyco website 1.1.0
kyco website 1.1.0

Going minimalistic, modern and responsive 2014:

kyco website 2.0.0
kyco website 2.0.0
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